Saturday, November 4


I visited KennySia a few days ago.
and he wrote an article about Yvonne Foong.
I've heard about her sometime ago, but didn't pay much attention.
Being very interested, I checked out the MPH website.
and did my first online payment over the net!!!! *weee xD*
Suprisingly, the book arrived this afternoon when it was due on 14th.
I finished it within 2 hrs. ahahhaaha.

I'm not sick, just a bit unwell
by Yvonne Foong.

Reading about life is quite interesting.
Realising another fact about life.
and i feel like kicking the junior doctor (mentioned in chapter 6) in the groin.
*wahahahaha XD*

anway, though he may not see it here.
Happy Birthday Ern~~ xD

[ craving for spaghetti... meat meat more meat on it!!! =) ]
[ 13 days to SPM.. ]

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