Sunday, February 4


I planned to take a nap this afternoon after changing the layout.
But ended up at this blog that guided me to this blog.

Had the whole afternoon laughing and laughing and constantly smirking.

From Andy(?)'s blog.
ferxt thiing iie wannt tuu puust iish,
sowiee alicia, iie ferrgott abb0ut tuessdaee,
sowiie fOr thE lastt miinute cancell abbOut the gym.
nexxt thiing ishh thatt iiem veh bOred att hOme.
butt iie gOrt fwenns tuu enterrtainn miie.
iiem tryyieing tuu bwee prO att thwis wayye aerf(of) talkiing.
pwissh tryiie aend fewwgure Out whatt iiem shaeyying.
iiem haveeing hElp frOem

iie att hOme owaeyyies pOlay ro lorhhx.
eesh veh siansh de lorhhx.

gOrt One gerrl een ro very teweeibuurr lorhhx.
gO arrOunde fwak here fwah therre lOrhxx.
weallie tewiiebuurr lOrrhx.
totuhllie tewiiebuur.
whardebeuur larhhx. dunnch wann tOk abOut herr larhhx.

iie at hOme nehbewr dO aniithynqq veh siannx.
wiiel rOt untill mOuld cumm Out lerrhx.

ien ro tOk whiff kiiut kiiut gerrllx.
thhey alsho veh siianx.

Okay. I cant continue anymore. f**king hell.
its killing my braincells 100x faster.


OmiGawd. iie spent thhe lastt feww minnutes tyeping thhat crapx oOut.
iiem triiying tu tWit thhiSh uPp as mUchh as iie caNn.
iie haff to bAth sOonx lerrhx.
gOeiNg baCkk campUuss ler soOnx.
piPols piCking miie Upx.
iie haFf tu bwwE puNctuuuaL mArhx.
sTuffs alShO havEn'tt paCk.

I'm suppose to feel lucky that 90% of the Malaysians I know ain't being dragged into this pile of shitty language the singaporeans developed by gaming, flirting and acting cute.
It's so hard to understand what the fwak(twit!) they are talking.
and we had to use up our brain cells to decipher their language.
it's harder than studying anthropology larh.

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