Sunday, August 12

Another long day

She sighed. She had her monologue said out loud to herself.
Nobody could hear her anyway.
She peeped out the window and stared outside, wondering how would the day end?
Would he be back tonight?
Or it's another lonesome night.. She wondered, pondered, sighed.
It was good to hear her phone rang. At least he's thinking of her.
Yet, her spirits were already soaked and dampened by the rain today.
She couldn't regain her usual self.
'Okay', 'Oh', was all she could reply in the messages.
She doesn't feel like talking.

She's saved, temporarily by her honey-pie.

And when she got back in her small, cozy room. Her monologues came popping out of nowhere and haunted her day.

It's almost midnight. The seconds ticked away slowly.
She misses him. She needs some encouragement.
Oh. She's grabbing her hair. She's trying her best to study.

She's down, she's tired, she could see her "so-not-me-at-all" face in the mirror.
A call, a reminder of how blur she is from a friend.... and Honey-Pie
saves her day..

[ back to business! ]

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